Latest in Employment Law>Articles>Redundancy Checklist
Redundancy Checklist
Published on: 06/08/2015
Article Authors The main content of this article was provided by the following authors.
Linda Hynes
Linda Hynes

This months topic is ensuring fair procedures are used when carrying out redundancies.

Several recent EAT decisions point to an increasing trend for the Employment Appeals Tribunal to find that although a redundancy situation may be very genuine and necessary, the way the redundancy has been carried out was found to be unfair and therefore an unfair dismissal. The compensation awarded in these cases has also been relatively significant.

Leman Solicitors have prepared a template checklist for employers to use to ensure they are adhering to fair procedures when carrying out redundancies. Ultimately it does not matter how justified the reasons are for redundancies and the urgency required, employers must still apply fair procedures in order for the dismissal to be held to be fair. The checklist should be reviewed prior to communicating a redundancy situation and during the redundancy consultation process.

Click here to access the Redundancy Checklist:

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Disclaimer The information in this article is provided as part of Legal Island's Employment Law Hub. We regret we are not able to respond to requests for specific legal or HR queries and recommend that professional advice is obtained before relying on information supplied anywhere within this article. This article is correct at 06/08/2015