Mock WRC Adjudication Hearing
Tuesday, 08 April 2025
12:00 - 16:15 (4 hrs)
In Person
Have you ever wondered what a Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) Adjudication Hearing is like or how you, as an employer or HR professional, would handle one? Well, now you can find out!
Mock WRC Adjudication Hearing 2
Event details
About the event?
1 Half Day Duration
8th April -
In Person Hilton Garden Inn Dublin City Centre
€395.00 Early bird ends 25th February 2025 at 5:00pm. Standard rate: €445.00
In Partnership With

With WRC hearings at record levels, this half-day Mock WRC Adjudication Hearing is an opportunity to see how it operates in practice and, more importantly, how the decisions you make in the workplace play out in a WRC Adjudication Hearing.

The Mock Adjudication Hearing will be conducted by a former WRC Adjudication Officer and legal professionals with extensive experience of proceedings and will demonstrate the common pitfalls for employers and their HR advisors.

This Mock Hearing gives you the opportunity to experience what happens at this type of hearing without the cost, preparation and stress involved in the real thing!

Mary Gavin, Managing Associate at Ogier will lead the day’s event by giving you tips on how to prepare for a WRC hearing in 2023 and beyond. We have experienced employment law barristers who will lead a team playing various roles during the hearing, to take you through a ‘real life’ case. It will be presided over by experienced former WRC Adjudicator, Dr Gerry McMahon. 

Who should attend this event?

This Mock WRC Adjudication Hearing is designed for employers and HR professionals but would also benefit those with line-management responsibilities. It is an ideal event for respondents, claimants and other witnesses who wish to experience a realistic adjudication process in a safe environment.

Why should you attend this event?

After attending this event you will:

  • Obtain procedural guidance when initiating a complaint
  • Understand WRC procedural changes following the Supreme Court Zalewski decision
  • Know how to carefully complete and respond to a WRC complaint form
  • Be aware of the necessary time limits for referring a case to the WRC and when an extension may be granted
  • Know what happens when a case is referred to the WRC
  • Know whether mediation is a feasible option in order to encourage and facilitate both parties to resolve issues as an alternative to a formal hearing
  • Gain practical tips on drafting submissions
  • Learn about what information and documentation is required by the parties
  • Witness first hand a full hearing and decision – you will see what to expect on the day, understand likely awards, structure of the hearing and when adjournment of a hearing may be granted
  • Delegates will be asked to participate in the hearing by raising questions or offering their views.
  • Learn about appeals and enforcement

A detailed look at Mock WRC Adjudication Hearing event...

Here's what to expect over the half day.

12:00 pm
Registration & Lunch

Join us from 12 noon to register, get some hot lunch and network with your peers.

12:45 pm
Overview of the WRC Adjudication Process & The Case Study

Mary Gavin, Managing Associate, Employment and Corporate Immigration Department at Ogier will look at the entire life cycle of a typical claim in the WRC from completing a WRC complaint form through to the substantive hearing, and the possibility of appeals. She will also share her experiences of what to ‘expect on the day’ of the hearing itself, from the point of arrival at the WRC to giving evidence to understanding the decision, highlighting procedural changes following the Supreme Court Zalewski decision.

She will consider the practical aspects of preparing the case, looking at the specific case study, highlighting any documents that will bear particular importance at the hearing in the afternoon. She will take you through some practical tips on how to always be prepared for a hearing and which will inevitably assist with an employer’s defence when before the WRC.

Mary gavin
Mary Gavin Managing Associate, Ogier
13:10 pm
An Adjudicator’s Perspective

Our chair for the hearing, former WRC Adjudication Officer, Dr Gerry McMahon, will outline the practical and procedural elements of an adjudication hearing from an Adjudicator’s perspective, highlighting the do's and don'ts, and offering practical tips in line with WRC guidance and noting any changes for remote hearings.  

Gerry Mc Mahon headshot 2025
Dr Gerry McMahon MD, Productive Personel Ltd
13:30 pm
Refreshment Break & Networking

Grab a coffee, stretch your legs and network with your peers.

13:45 pm
The Hearing

Cathy McGrady BL and Paul D. Maier BL will act as representatives for the employer and employee, while running a WRC hearing based on the case study. Dr Gerry McMahon will be overseeing the hearing as the Adjudication Officer. You will see both barristers questioning witnesses, including the complainant, just as you would at an unfair dismissal hearing, in order for you to gain a practical understanding of the adjudication process.  

Cathy mcgrady
Cathy McGrady Barrister
15:15 pm
Discussion/Panel Q&A

Before Dr Gerry McMahon delivers his decision in the hearing, Mary Gavin will lead a discussion on the hearing to determine what the most likely outcome will be and to highlight where any of the parties may or may not have gone wrong. 

Mary gavin
Mary Gavin Managing Associate, Ogier
15:45 pm

Dr Gerry McMahon, as acting Adjudication Officer on the day, will deliver his decision on the hearing.  

Gerry Mc Mahon headshot 2025
Dr Gerry McMahon MD, Productive Personel Ltd
15:55 pm
Closing Comments

Mary Gavin will close out the day by briefly explaining the appeal process before the Labour Court and to answer any additional questions.

Mary gavin
Mary Gavin Managing Associate, Ogier
16:00 pm
Event Close

Feedback that speaks volumes...

Here's what previous attendees have to say about our Mock WRC Adjudication Hearing event.

"Gerry McMahon is so experienced, I hang on his every word and he is fun too. The role play was very engaging - well done to all involved."
Michelle Mc Donnell Head of HR, Leinster Rugby
"It was very realistic and felt like the real thing. Gerry is fantastic and used to be my lecturer so if he's involved I'm normally interested."
Marion Gammell HR Manager, Mason Hayes & Curran
"It was excellent. Every HR professional who has limited experience with the WRC should go to this event. I feel better prepared for the future armed with how a WRC hearing is conducted and what to watch out."
Conor Coppinger HR Executive, The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)
"So interesting to see the steps and processes involved in a WRC Case."
Aine O'Connor Executive Officer, Legal Aid Board
"The mock adjudication was really engrossing. It was great to see it in action and to get a sense of what it might be like to experience a real hearing."
Explore the presenters on the day
Mary Gavin Managing Associate, Ogier
Mary Gavin Managing Associate, Ogier
Mary gavin

Mary has over 15 years of experience advising on all aspects of employment law. Mary advises employers across the public, private and third sectors on both contentious and non-contentious matters including employment contracts and policies, complex employee relations issues, equality matters, disciplinary actions, dismissals, redundancies, and employment related disputes. Mary is a managing associate in our Employment and Corporate Immigration team. Mary works with national and multinational clients in a variety of sectors, including technology, fintech, real estate and pharmaceuticals.

Mary has represented clients before the Workplace Relations Commission, Labour Court and High Court and has amassed considerable experience in employment related civil litigation including injunctive relief and judicial review applications. She has also advised extensively in respect of professional regulation, and GDPR compliance. Mary is a member of the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association Employment Law Committee.  A graduate of University College Dublin, Mary also has a masters from Queens’ University Belfast and a diploma in Employment Law from the Law Society of Ireland.

Admitted in: 2007- Northern Ireland (non-practising)2013 – Ireland

Noted as a Key Lawyer for previous firm in Legal 500 2022 “Focused approach, works with the client to seek best dispute resolution approach, provides confidence and reassurance of legal position …  excellent service.”

Cathy McGrady Barrister
Cathy McGrady Barrister
Cathy mcgrady

Cathy McGrady has been a barrister since 2007 practising on Employment and Equality matters, Tort & Personal Injury claims, as well as General Practise. Prior to being called to the Bar, her previous role was as an HR Manager. She is a seasoned professional that frequently appears in front of the Workplace Relations Commission, the Labour Court, Circuit Court, and High Court for employment law disputes. She has also acted as an independent investigator in workplace investigations.

Dr Gerry McMahon MD, Productive Personel Ltd
Dr Gerry McMahon MD, Productive Personel Ltd
Gerry Mc Mahon headshot 2025

Gerry McMahon is an acknowledged national expert in People Management.  He has over 35 years’ experience - as a workplace investigator (on bullying/harassment/ disciplinary/dismissal/grievance issues), trainer, negotiator, facilitator, mediator, arbitrator and team builder - across a wide range of employment sectors.

In 2015 he was appointed as an Adjudicator at the W.R.C., and is also the author of Legal Island’s ‘How To’ series, offering best practice H.R. guidance to professionals. In addition to lecturing in H.R. at the T.U.D., he has addressed numerous conferences and led many training programmes, run by Legal Island, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and SKILLNETS and is the M.D. of the H.R. training and advisory company Productive Personnel Ltd.

Gerry has also had an extensive range of books and articles published and been a columnist with the Industrial Relations News, Irish Times, Sunday Business Post, and Irish Independent and expert commentator on H.R./Employee Relations for R.T.E. and TV3/Virgin. He has also served on numerous Legal Island and C.I.P.D. judging panels and is a Council member of the Irish Association for Industrial Relations.

Telephone: 087 247 1415; Email:

Paul D Maier BL Barrister
Paul D Maier BL Barrister
Paul maier

Paul D Maier is a barrister specialising in the law of work, labour, and employment. Based in Dublin, Ireland, he is a member of the Law Library, having been called to the Bar in 2022.

Paul represents both employers and employees at all levels of the Courts, as well as before the Labour Court and the Workplace Relations Commission. He is a qualified arbitrator and is frequently commissioned to lead independent investigations and disciplinary procedures for organisations. Additionally, he is regularly engaged to provide legal advice and opinions on employment law and related matters.

Paul serves as the Editor of the Irish Employment Law Journal and Employment Law Report, and he is the Treasurer of the Employment Bar Association.


Simple, transparent pricing...

In Person
Early bird offer
€395.00 Standard Rate: €445.00 Early bird ends 25th February 2025 at 5:00pm
Early bird offer ends in:
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