Explore our extensive eLearning portfolio
Browse the latest cost-effective eLearning training for all staff across a range of key compliance topics in a technology which best fits with your business needs.
Maximise Staff Training
with Learning Management Software
Imagine your staff having 24/7 access to a centralised training platform, tailored to your organisation’s brand and staff training needs, with unlimited users. That’s precisely what Legal Island’s AppLI LMS offers, for a convenient annual fixed fee.

Bespoke eLearning solutions tailored to your needs
Unlock the full potential of your training programs with our bespoke eLearning services.
Whether you have existing content or need a tailored version of our courses, we can design and develop a fully customised eLearning experience for your organisation.
From single courses to entire learning suites, we craft solutions that align with your business goals and engage your learners.

Explore our other
eLearning services
See what our clients have to say about us
We help many of Ireland's leading organisations with their training requirements.